I can't take credit for this, but I do not know who the author is. Still it is wonderful.
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ... enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own, even if she never wants to or needs to...
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE .. something perfect to wear if the employer, or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour...
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE . a youth she's content to leave behind....
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to retelling it in her old age....
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE .. a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra...
A WOMAN SH OULD HAVE .. one friend who always makes her laugh.. and one who lets her cry...
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ... a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family...
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE .. eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a recipe for a meal, that will make her guests feel honored...
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE a feeling of control over her destiny..
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... how to fall in love without losing herself..
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... how to quit a job, break up with a lover, and confront a friend without; ruining the friendship...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... when to try harder... and WHEN TO WALK AWAY...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... that she can't change the length of her calves, the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents..
EVERY WOMAN SHOUL D KNOW... that her childhood may not have been perfect...but it's over...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... what she would and wouldn't do for love or more...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW.... how to live alone... even if she doesn't like it...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW.. whom she can trust, whom she can't, and why she shouldn't take it personally...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW.... where to go... be it to her best friend's kitchen table.. or a charming Inn in the woods.... when her soul needs soothing...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW.. What she can and can't accomplish in a day... a month...and a year...
Be yourself...everyone else is already taken
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Sometimes a girl just needs a new hat.
I am not a big hat wearer. This "Chia Pet" hair of mine does not respond well to multiple squishings. Occasionally frigid weather forces me under wraps, but mostly I just go bare-headed.
So last week a little box arrived in the mail from my dear friend, Carolyn In Colorado. It was my birthday present. OK, so I know my birthday is in January and last week was May3 thru 9...so what. A.) MY birthday is a season; B.) I never turn down a prezzy.
The box contained a beautiful, old, perfect china tea cup and saucer. My "good" china is an ever growing set that is made up of one-of-each pieces, all different,.................A
Sweet Mother in Heaven where did she find this thing! I laughed until milk came out my nose. I laugh every time I look at this hat. Who could not.
Sometimes we take ourselves too seriously and we have to be reminded to stop and smell the flamingos. Thanks Carolyn
Love you
Monday, April 6, 2009
What is a Tar Heel, anyhow?
Tonight's championship basketball game was amazing. UNC dominated, as they have all year. It was basketball ballet. Bravo Michigan, and any team that makes it to the finals. Tar Heels RULE!
So what exactly is a Tar Heel? Well it seems that somewhere along the way some folks from North Carolina found themselves in a conflict. I am not sure of the nature of the conflict, perhaps a battle in the War Between The States or maybe something less official, IDK. Anyhow, a comment was made by the other side that the North Carolinians would not budge. They held their ground like their heels were stuck to it with tar; Tar Heels. Stubborn, unyielding, tenacious.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Getting drunk for the cops

Oh this is good! Kristin my beautiful, brilliant, sexy daughter went to Colorado last week to visit her BFF Tamira. They have been friends since toddlerhood and they do bring out the best in each other.
Tam works as a dispatcher for the police department up there in the Rockies. She knows ALL the cops and ALL the perps, and who's doing what to whom in that rarified air. She is exceptional at her job and she loves it. So of course whenever she is asked to help with police training she is happy to oblige.
Well, the stars aligned in such a way that during Kristin's visit Tam had agreed to help the new police recruits learn how to conduct sobriety tests. Kristin, being the BFF (best friend forever), volunteered to join the training. So these two magnificient mommy's got drunk for the cops!
Oh, to have been a fly on the wall watching this take place would have been priceless. Both of these women are "two-drink tip overs" and they get so silly. Kristin was amazed at how impaired she was when the brethalizer test showed her alcohol level at only a moderate reading. Fortunately, a ride home was provided so the Drunken Divas could recover in the privacy of Tam's house in front of only God and family.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Watching Paint Dry, Part II; Just Get 'Er Done
Will this remodeling and moving NEVER end??? I am sorry if my impatience is showing like a black slip under a white eyelet dress but could we just get this wagon train on the trail??? I feel like I have one foot in each house at all times. If I want a cookbook...oops, it's over at the house. Need the vacuum? Well I can just about guarantee that where ever I am, the vacuum is at the other residence. Uncanny, that vacuum.
So, it seemed that all the dust created in this shift of life had settled in the living room carpeting at the new house. It was gross. Since the carpeting is only a year old there was no way I could talk the finance Department (that's Mikey) into tearing it out in favor of hard wood. I vacuumed. Mikey Vacuumed. The vacuum choked and took itself over to the other house! We decided it was time for something a little more in depth.
On my way to rent the Rug Doctor I ran into a couple girlfriends and told them what was up. They freaked out. One said "You can't shampoo your own rug. It's too hard to do. You have to rent that ugly machine and lug it home and push it around. You'll hurt yourself". Another said " You can't shampoo your own rug, you don't have time. Think about how much your time is worth. You should call a professional and have them do it".
All of these things could have been true, and maybe it was their truth and I know they had only the best intentions in mind, but I was on a mission and I had a plan. I pushed on, with their negative comments ringing in my ears, and... $25.00 and 30 minutes later I had a clean carpet, without incurring bodily injury (but I did break a sweat so it counted as cardio for the day)
Sometimes there is nothing more important than just getting the job done. Mikey is magnificient at this. He puts his head down and plows through the day's work until the job is finished. I learn from him everyday about perseverance and achieving goals. Remember, it was he turtoise who won that famous race.
So, it seemed that all the dust created in this shift of life had settled in the living room carpeting at the new house. It was gross. Since the carpeting is only a year old there was no way I could talk the finance Department (that's Mikey) into tearing it out in favor of hard wood. I vacuumed. Mikey Vacuumed. The vacuum choked and took itself over to the other house! We decided it was time for something a little more in depth.
On my way to rent the Rug Doctor I ran into a couple girlfriends and told them what was up. They freaked out. One said "You can't shampoo your own rug. It's too hard to do. You have to rent that ugly machine and lug it home and push it around. You'll hurt yourself". Another said " You can't shampoo your own rug, you don't have time. Think about how much your time is worth. You should call a professional and have them do it".
All of these things could have been true, and maybe it was their truth and I know they had only the best intentions in mind, but I was on a mission and I had a plan. I pushed on, with their negative comments ringing in my ears, and... $25.00 and 30 minutes later I had a clean carpet, without incurring bodily injury (but I did break a sweat so it counted as cardio for the day)
Sometimes there is nothing more important than just getting the job done. Mikey is magnificient at this. He puts his head down and plows through the day's work until the job is finished. I learn from him everyday about perseverance and achieving goals. Remember, it was he turtoise who won that famous race.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Watching paint dry
There are just times when we need to step back from the intensity of the lives we lead and think about things. Maybe "think" is not the right word. "Think" implies that you will be mentally dwelling on a particular topic or issue with the intent of coming to a solution or conclusion. I am talking about the act of allowing all those thoughts we have had lately to sort of settle into their place of most usefulness, sorting themselves out into coherent patterns and meaningful action steps.
Now, maybe some people already think in linear, logical "Mr.Spock" methods, but I do not. I have a gazillion thoughts every day that interconnect and follow circuitous pathways and sometimes end up in the Roundhouse of Stored Stuff, never to be encountered again. Some of them were really good thoughts that need to be rescued and that takes meditative activities. (Now there is an oxymoron if I have ever heard one)
There is absolutely nothing better for mining lost thought gems than painting the walls. With Mikey busy on relocating doorways and plumbing, it is obvious that if I want the new kitchen any color other than primer white I should paint the walls. The minute I opened the paint can and started the process the world slowed down. There is no way to rush a paint job, and it will take a second coat, and it has to dry in between. These are laws like gravity. Flaunt them and you will pay a high price. You must surrender to the time it takes.
Now that is "The Grand AHA". Success requires that we surrender to the time it takes.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Comments on Slumdog Millionaire
I had the special treat of going to the movies with my 21 year-old grandson, Brandon. We went to see Slumdog Millionaire. Yes, I recommend it; yes, it deserved Best Picture; and yes, I will watch it again.
So much impressed me, and Brandon as well. He's pretty deep for a 21 year old. There is one image, however, that is seared into my brain. It has to do with wanting things. How badly do you want....whatever? A better job, a new home, better income, good health, better relationships...whatever!
My friend and mentor, Art Jonak ( http://www.mlmplayers.com/ ) tells us that we are too comfortable. If we really wanted - REALLY WANTED - something we would go after it. I thought I knew what he meant until I saw the outhouse scene in this movie.
No one has ever wanted anything as much as that little boy wanted an autograph from his favorite movie star. He saw an opportunity and he did whatever he had to do to get what he wanted. It was an amazing scene and now I know what Art Jonak really means when he says "ya gotta really want it".
Now when one of my Vitamark Team Members ( http://www.mjo.vitamark.com/ ) tells me they want to become a Diamond Affiliate I have a new image with which to evaluate their level of want. Oh and that outhouse scene is forever burned into my own vision of what I want.
Thank you Slumdog Millionaire for so many "aha" moments, and thank you Art Jonak for all you do.
So much impressed me, and Brandon as well. He's pretty deep for a 21 year old. There is one image, however, that is seared into my brain. It has to do with wanting things. How badly do you want....whatever? A better job, a new home, better income, good health, better relationships...whatever!
My friend and mentor, Art Jonak ( http://www.mlmplayers.com/ ) tells us that we are too comfortable. If we really wanted - REALLY WANTED - something we would go after it. I thought I knew what he meant until I saw the outhouse scene in this movie.
No one has ever wanted anything as much as that little boy wanted an autograph from his favorite movie star. He saw an opportunity and he did whatever he had to do to get what he wanted. It was an amazing scene and now I know what Art Jonak really means when he says "ya gotta really want it".
Now when one of my Vitamark Team Members ( http://www.mjo.vitamark.com/ ) tells me they want to become a Diamond Affiliate I have a new image with which to evaluate their level of want. Oh and that outhouse scene is forever burned into my own vision of what I want.
Thank you Slumdog Millionaire for so many "aha" moments, and thank you Art Jonak for all you do.
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