I am not a big hat wearer. This "Chia Pet" hair of mine does not respond well to multiple squishings. Occasionally frigid weather forces me under wraps, but mostly I just go bare-headed.
So last week a little box arrived in the mail from my dear friend, Carolyn In Colorado. It was my birthday present. OK, so I know my birthday is in January and last week was May3 thru 9...so what. A.) MY birthday is a season; B.) I never turn down a prezzy.
The box contained a beautiful, old, perfect china tea cup and saucer. My "good" china is an ever growing set that is made up of one-of-each pieces, all different,.................A
Sweet Mother in Heaven where did she find this thing! I laughed until milk came out my nose. I laugh every time I look at this hat. Who could not.
Sometimes we take ourselves too seriously and we have to be reminded to stop and smell the flamingos. Thanks Carolyn
Love you
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