Thursday, March 5, 2009

Watching paint dry

There are just times when we need to step back from the intensity of the lives we lead and think about things. Maybe "think" is not the right word. "Think" implies that you will be mentally dwelling on a particular topic or issue with the intent of coming to a solution or conclusion. I am talking about the act of allowing all those thoughts we have had lately to sort of settle into their place of most usefulness, sorting themselves out into coherent patterns and meaningful action steps.

Now, maybe some people already think in linear, logical "Mr.Spock" methods, but I do not. I have a gazillion thoughts every day that interconnect and follow circuitous pathways and sometimes end up in the Roundhouse of Stored Stuff, never to be encountered again. Some of them were really good thoughts that need to be rescued and that takes meditative activities. (Now there is an oxymoron if I have ever heard one)

There is absolutely nothing better for mining lost thought gems than painting the walls. With Mikey busy on relocating doorways and plumbing, it is obvious that if I want the new kitchen any color other than primer white I should paint the walls. The minute I opened the paint can and started the process the world slowed down. There is no way to rush a paint job, and it will take a second coat, and it has to dry in between. These are laws like gravity. Flaunt them and you will pay a high price. You must surrender to the time it takes.

Now that is "The Grand AHA". Success requires that we surrender to the time it takes.

Oh, there is no "kitchen" in the kitchen yet, but... the kitchen is now purple.

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